Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Romantic Late Night With a Zombie.

No Effing way can I pick a favorite movie.
Effort Inducing.

So I'll talk about last night.

Basically because of my work schedule this weekend, my sleep patterns have been all sorts of screwed up.
Yesterday I went to bed at 4:00pm and woke up at 11:30pm. I had work at 6:00am that next morning and I had to do something until then.
So I watched zombies.

Resident Evil Marathon to be exact.

It was wondrous.
It was gory.
It was beautiful.

It made me want to be a super hot bad-ass who wears a dress with combat boots. If I was a lesbian, my first two choices would be Alice and Valentine. My third would be that girl from Underworld.
I guess I got a thing for bad-asses.

Incidentally at work today I was being a ninja. Slapping my co-workers in the stomachs when they stretched their backs, throwing trash into cans from impossible distances, and singing my own theme song all the while.
Awe yeah.
Reginald Delicious.
Professional Bad-Ass.

Bring it on zombies, I'm obviously ready for whatever Apocalypse you're throwing my way.

Happy Sunday.

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