Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Welcome, sit back a relax for yet another blog among millions. How will mine stand out you may say? Well I can't promise you anything. It doesn't depend on the the words I write, the opinions I have, or the fonts I use. It's about you. The reader. I could write the most awe-inspiring publication in all the universe that contains all the answers to life, but it would mean absolutely nothing to a two-year old. That being said, to whomever reads this, I apologize if you don't find my writing witty, inspirational, or useful at all. And all those of you who do think that, I wish to give you a high-five. Go ahead, high-five the screen. I already did so it will, you know, transfer over. Do it.
I like high-fives.

Now allow me to introduce myself. Oh wait, I'm not allowed to...
For now you shall know me as Reginald Delicious. This name came about when an idea of a sketch book was born. I was having a most tastefully waxy school lunch outside with my friends when I pulled out an extra composition notebook I owned. We decided that this would be our Friendship Book and that all of us would draw or write something frequently in it. But what to write or draw on those days when inspiration seemed to run dry? That is when my companions and I decided that the book needed a rightful title. It would be known as "THE TALE OF....". We soon became stuck on what the name of our hero should be. It was decided it needed to be something epic, courageous, classy, and just a little ridiculous. And so , "THE TALE OF REGINALD DELICIOUS" was born! The name was well enough, but the title seemed to lack something more. So we decided to throw in another character and it was revised to "THE TALE OF REGINALD DELICIOUS AND THE HELMETED MASOCHIST".
After that was decided, we all drew our own interpretation of Reginald and the Masochist. To this day the Friendship Book is passed around among us, strangers, even celebrities. I am the main owner of the book and Reginald has become quite close to me. I have yet to find my Helmeted Masochist, whether it be my sidekick or arch-nemesis. When I do find them, I shall write earnestly about it. It will give something you rude people who didn't give me high-fives to read about...

Happy Tuesday.